How it works
Getting great hotel proposals is easy. Just answer a few questions and you're off to meeting bliss.
Step 1: Tell us about your meeting
- Choose your meeting dates, group size, etc.
- Customize your RFP with a drag and drop agenda

Step 2: Search meeting hotels worldwide
- Fine tune your search with powerful filters
- Search engine with access to 225,000 venues worldwide
- Add the hotels you would like to bid on your meeting

Step 3: Get complete proposals - fast
- Calculate costs and savings automatically
- View side-by-side comparisons of your bid summary
- Click the hotel you want to keep and connect

Start your hotel search
Zentila's RFP platform streamlines the venue selection and booking process. You'll find the perfect hotel faster and easier than traditional methods or search engines.
- Build an RFP in just a few minutes
- Best practices for sourcing meetings are built into the platform
- Receive complete hotel proposals with competitive bids
- Zentila’s sourcing specialists are behind the scenes to help
We're here to help!
Zentila’s sourcing specialists review RFPs to help assure you get the best possible proposals fast. They’re available for helpful advice on meeting planning as well as support on the website. Contact them with any questions you have.
Questions? Just ask.
Call: | 1-407-656-5683 |
Email: | |
Chat: | Chat box lower right of the browser |
Our sourcing specialists

Laura Eppley

Shellsea Hernandez

Charlotte DeWitt